Saturday, 29 December 2007

Gibraltar at sunrise

Made the ferry, pretty simple with a Spanish-speaker to arrange things! There are about 4 other teams on board, the rest are staying the day in Tarifa We'll convoy to Fez, route to be determined while we wait to cross from Ceuta to Morroco...


Anonymous said...

Good luck guys. The photo looks great. Maybe the photography is better than the driving! Take care and have a safe trip..."Play it again Sam!"

Anonymous said...

I think you can see my flat in that photo....

Didn't realise you would be down this way so quickly, would have been in touch otherwise... let me know when you'll be passing this way again on your way back!

Algeciras is a charming place, is it not...?

Anonymous said...

your're right about the phone! sent a message at 0900 today. Nothing urgent - only a query about M&S shirts! Glad all is going to plan and that you've met up with Ana ok. Please give our regards. Also glad you are taking Uncle Stuart's advice about 'flooring it'. Remember - it's not a race and you don't have to come first! Like the photos. All love xx

Rosie said...

Wow, it looks like a fantastic journey you're on! We're following your progress with interest. All the best from St Albans,

love, Teresa, Nick, Rosie and Hilary

Anonymous said...

Manual - there's a rat in the truck. No, Misser Parti, he no rat, he humster! (He's from Barceloooona!)